2023/24 PARKRUN T.T. (Tourist Trophy)
April - Rotherham
May - Concord
June - Rotherham
July - Concord
August - Rotherham
September - Concord
October - Rotherham
November - Concord
December - Rotherham
January 2024 - Concord
February - Rotherham
March - Concord
There will be ‘Divisions’ as in previous year’s & scoring will be thus:
(1) Age Grade Percentage - Highest in each division during the month scores 20 points, the next 19 & so on.
(2) Beating your ‘ParkRun Average Mean’ - will score 10 points
Example - My average mean at Rotherham is 24.52 & Concord - 24.45 - so if I better these times I will score ten points to add to my AG% number.
BUT - You can only claim one per month - However, regarding your AG% you can run as many Saturdays as you wish in that particular month to improve your figure - example - there’s five Saturdays in April so fill your boots & run each one if so inclined 

This competition is open to ALL First Claim Club Members